Statistical gait-model for subjects with neurological diseases

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Walking speed: 2.941 km/h    Links: animation   load gait-pattern   data-info   imprint/impressum   docu

Left Stride

26.0 47.9 ±2.42 95.7 ±3.89 18.3 ±0.84 34.2 ±3.07 7.8 ±1.80 Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.

Right Stride

26.2 47.9 ±2.41 95.6 ±3.89 18.2 ±0.84 34.0 ±2.95 7.5 ±1.81 Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.

47.9 ±2.41 47.9 ±2.42 9.3 ±2.40 9.4 ±2.36 2.7 ±0.93 2.7 ±0.92 12.9 ±2.19 14.0 ±2.23 Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.


left heel contact left toe contact right heel contact right toe contact right heel contact left heel contact left toe contact 537.2 ±35.29 689.8 ±35.32 776.9 ±37.45 1198.4 ±39.02 597.0 ±26.98 599.2 ±27.05 536.6 ±36.17 692.3 ±36.16 778.2 ±38.45 1199.2 ±38.99 Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.